Inspiring RRC Polytech Alumni: A Storytelling Strategy for Sharing Success
Alumni Relations > Alumni Relations Initiatives (10-25 Staff)
Best of CASE District VIII Award
Institution: RRC Polytech
Title of entry: Inspiring RRC Polytech Alumni: A Storytelling Strategy for Sharing Success
About this entry: When our grads feel valued, they are much more likely to give back with their time or their treasure. RRC Polytech’s Alumni Engagement office had two directives in 2021 to set the stage for alumni giving: grow our database, and inspire alumni to share their stories. We ran a two-part campaign to meet these objectives.
Part One: Increase Number of Alumni Contacts – Blueprints for Career Success
In Spring 2021, we ran a storytelling campaign that centered around a contest and highlighted the success stories of ten alumni from a diverse range of industries. These grads shared how their RRC Polytech education allowed them to achieve career success, and encouraged alumni to use these stories as inspiration – along with career-boosting offerings – to establish their own paths to achieve their career goals.
Part Two: Inspire Our Alumni – Bold Future
In Fall 2021, we ran the Bold Future campaign – a storytelling campaign in reverse. Instead of sharing graduates’ stories, we invited our grads to share their stories with us. The campaign featured a contest inviting alumni to share how RRC Polytech helped shape their career paths, reach their goals, get in front of what’s ahead in their industry, take their lives in a bold direction, or overcome challenges.
This two-part digital campaign achieved nearly 7 million impressions and encouraged 11,000 engagement actions with our content, elevating our brand awareness, strengthening our relationship with our sprawling alumni network, and laying the groundwork for a future alumni giving campaign.