The Inauguration of Eduardo Peñalver Invite suite
Design > Invitations
Best of CASE District VIII Award
Institution: Seattle University
Title of entry: The Inauguration of Eduardo Peñalver Invite suite
About this entry: "The Inauguration of Eduardo Peñalver Invite suite was created for Seattle University's new president. This was a historical moment for Seattle University. Not only was there a new president, but it was the first lay president (meaning a non-ordained member of the Catholic Church). This invite suite needed to be polished and presidential, but feel fresh and new.
A team member conceptualized, designed, and co-managed production for the entire suite. They read articles and watched interviews of Eduardo Peñalver to get a sense of his personality, as they also wanted the invite suite to reflect him. Since time was an issue, they worked closely with the unidersity's print vendor to figure out paper availability, paper mockups, and special printing treatments.
The design was carried over to a motion graphic, website, a digital takeover, and mobile ads and newspaper ads. It has been used this year in other designs concerning the president."