TREK magazine
Design > Magazines & Periodicals
Best of CASE District VIII Award, Virginia Carter Smith Grand Crystal Award Finalist
Institution: The University of British Columbia
Title of entry: TREK magazine
About this entry: "TREK magazine is the official publication of the University of British Columbia. Independently published by alumni UBC, the university’s alumni association, its main goal is to reflect the quality and prestige of the institution. It directly showcases the accomplishments of UBC and its alumni around the world.
Following a major review of the magazine involving Atlantic 57 and Zehno Communications in 2020, TREK has been theme-based. Half the publication addresses the theme and the other half contains departments and non-themed features.
The first redesigned issue was distributed in November 2020, with the anchor theme of migration, nationhood, and human rights. The second issue, distributed in May 2021, was focused on the frontiers of medicine. The third issue, distributed in November 2021, was focused on the future of work.
TREK is mailed to about 190,000 alumni. The vast majority of readers reside in the vicinity of the university’s main campus, though it is is sent to approximately 140 countries overall. About half of the recipients are under 40 years of age.
TREK addresses alumni's desire for more information and intellectual access to the university. It provides the audience with compelling content and plenty of reasons to feel pride in their university. It keeps alumni in touch with a place where they spent some formative years. We aim to make it an objective publication they can trust and enjoy."