Diplomat Digital
Alumni Relations > Alumni Relations Initiatives (More Than 25 Staff)
Best of CASE District II Award
Institution: Franklin & Marshall College
Title of entry: Diplomat Digital
About this entry: The Alumni Relations staff produced a digital repository of online resources, live and archived content to provide an anchored cyber connection for our F&M Diplomats – alumni, parents, students, and friends of the College. This landing page was created by gathering and/or creating content from multiple departments and offices within and outside of College Advancement to share a diverse slate of opportunities for life-learning, professional development, reconnection, and engagement online. This content menu was also curated to offer convenient access to everything from discussions with our alumni, faculty, and world-renowned speakers to campus resources in just one click. The idea for the hub was conceived before the Covid-19 pandemic, and while the page was added to the F&M website in April 2020, it was relaunched in August of 2020 in the form it holds today. The growth of the hub really took off in the summer of 2020. Diplomat Digital has now evolved into one of our main vehicles of sharing and showcasing information with constituents alongside other channels, including email marketing and social media.