WLU Alumni Choir 20th Anniversary Celebration
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Best of CASE District II Award
Institution: Wilfrid Laurier University
Title of entry: WLU Alumni Choir 20th Anniversary Celebration
About this entry: 2021 marked the 20th anniversary of the WLU Alumni Choir (WLUAC). Many of the core members of the group were members of the Laurier Choir in the late 1960s/early 1970s, through which they bonded and formed good memories. In 2001, WLUAC was formed after former Laurier choir members came together for a benefit concert in honour of a beloved choir member who had passed away. Since then, they have been performing, fundraising for Laurier and socializing in many ways. Of particular meaning to them is their performance during Homecoming Weekend. New members are welcome to join at any time.
WLUAC is an extremely vibrant group and was very excited to celebrate their 20th anniversary. When the pandemic prohibited them from meeting and singing, the Alumni Relations team at Laurier sought out alternatives to help them celebrate and thank them for their fundraising efforts.
While an online gathering at Homecoming Weekend was essential to providing them with recognition and connection during the pandemic, we wanted to do more. We started by engaging them to share their stories for an article to be shared on our web and social media, and in the process realized we were collecting enough materials to co-create an online photo and story timeline. There were four positive results to this initiative:
1. Virtual historic timeline of WLUAC with contextualizing article
2. Positive, energizing, connecting experience between alumni and staff in developing it
3. Opportunity for donor recognition and stewardship
4. Collection of archival materials