The Ursinus College Big Bear Little Bear Mentorship Program
Alumni Relations > Alumni Relations Initiatives (10-25 Staff)
Best of CASE District II Award
Institution: Ursinus College
Title of entry: The Ursinus College Big Bear Little Bear Mentorship Program
About this entry: "Ursinus College started a mentorship program to match mentors from our Alumni Council and mentees from our Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow (STAT) group. The Alumni Council is a group of 55 volunteers, representing all class years, who engage our alumni regionally, and connect with the college. Our STAT program aims to educate students on the importance of philanthropy and alumni’s role in extending the legacy of the college. The mentoring program, called Big Bear Little Bear, aims to empower student mentees to realize their full potential while in college and prepare for post-graduate opportunities, while simultaneously providing a meaningful way for alumni to give back to the college and its students.
This volunteer-driven program was formed because alumni indicated that they had a desire to connect back to students and students wanted to create connections with alumni. The Alumni Council volunteers developed materials such as an application, guidelines document, virtual orientation, and monthly newsletters. The impact of this program has been a bridge built between the two volunteer groups, especially during the global pandemic, where being able to offer an extra source of connection to students going through a difficult time in their lives has been invaluable.
We have seen many lifelong relationships form over the two years of this program and hope to continue to grow and connect Bears for life! The alumni relations team is honored to support volunteers in creating this program and ensuring its success with administration and guidance that is touching many lives."