Collaborating to Engage Alumni and Warmly Welcome Newly Admitted Students
Alumni Relations > Alumni Relations Initiatives (More Than 25 Staff)
Best of CASE District II Award
Institution: Johns Hopkins University
Title of entry: Collaborating to Engage Alumni and Warmly Welcome Newly Admitted Students
About this entry: "When we learned our admissions team was looking for ways to create warmer touchpoints for accepted students, we saw an opportunity to expand an existing resource--our alumni directory--by engaging alumni to deliver personalized welcomes. This collaborative approach to alumni engagement and student recruitment encompassed multiple steps over several months, engaging two offices, nine departments, three master’s level programs, and one doctoral program.
For many years, we have created an online alumni directory made up of recent alumni who serve as a resource for accepted students to discuss academics and student life. After hearing from approximately 450 recent alumni, we create PDF files of available alumni for each department and program and place them on our newly designed and fully accessible website. The admissions office shares these lists with accepted students, who are encouraged to reach out to these alumni.
Beginning in 2021, we expanded this connection by adding a personalized email with an alumni video message through the ThankView platform. In early winter, we worked with departments and programs to identify alumni from the directory who could make 60-second welcome videos introducing the student to the department and encouraging them to visit the alumni directory. These videos add a personal touch to the traditional accepted student communication cascade.
The response has been tremendously positive, with sky-high open rates and messages of gratitude from accepted students. We have strengthened relationships with departments and programs, engaged hundreds of alumni, and welcomed thousands of accepted students to the BSPH community."