Daily Doodles
Design > Illustrations
Best of CASE District III Award
Institution: Virginia Tech
Title of entry: Daily Doodles
About this entry: "In August 2020, as Virginia Tech prepared to reopen amid the coronavirus pandemic, university relations needed a way to draw readers to frequent, but critical COVID updates headlining the university’s daily news email, even as quarantine fatigue set in nationwide.
To address this challenge, Creative Producer Steven White was tasked with creating “Semi-frequent, Mostly Sketchy Doodles at the Very Bottom of the Email” (or “Doodles” for short”). These hand-drawn illustrations provided a surprise-and-delight that people could look forward to after reading through the content above it. They varied by subject and mood, but they always brought a light-hearted look at campus life through the artist’s eyes. Thanks to his growing fan-base, the “semi-frequent” series soon became a daily one. Since then, Steven has produced more than 376 illustrations as of March 2022 in his now full-time role as Virginia Tech’s university doodler. His illustrations have taken on a life beyond - but still including - the daily news email. They have been repurposed for large-scale advancement initiatives, including a stewardship postcard mailed to more than 18,000 university friends. At the end of 2021, he took center stage at a holiday alumni event that drew nearly 400 guests and raised nearly $2,000 to support student scholarships. In-person and online guests to that event received an exclusive 2022 Doodles calendar in the mail. Thanks to that success, advancement objectives were written into his job description and his work has been a regular feature of major campaigns."