Streamlining and Increasing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Funds
Advancement Services > Advancement Services Initiatives (More Than 25 Staff)
Best of CASE District III Award
Institution: North Carolina State University
Title of entry: Streamlining and Increasing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Funds
About this entry: "In 2020, NC State received a surge of requests from donors and internal parties to create new funds related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) focuses. The influx of these requests overwhelmed Donor Services and partners, delaying daily operations because of the questions about the awarding process, laws, and requests for customized language with a DEI component. Due to Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause, which state institutions must follow, we were limited on what language could be used within a fund with a DEI component.
Before 2020, NC State, on average, established four funds annually with a DEI component. We had limited training and resources for our development officers. Donor Services collaborated with partners to develop training and a panel discussion focused on the awarding process, laws that impact funds concerning DEI, and how to talk to donors about DEI funds.
In addition, Donor Services created A Guide to Preferential Language within a Gift Agreement, which provided development officers with information regarding applicable laws and options for legal language regarding DEI. This resulted in a streamlined process, increased donor satisfaction, and 94% of fund language requests regarding DEI scholarships or initiatives being taken directly out of the created guide.