Hannah-Kate Belongs Here
Video > Videos: Student Audience (Short)
Best of CASE District VI Award
Institution: University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Title of entry: Hannah-Kate Belongs Here
About this entry: The goal for this video was to share a UNL student’s experience in a new, cinematic way that resonated with audiences. We wanted the video to be short and shareable while also attention-grabbing and emotionally compelling.
Hannah-Kate (senior journalism major) opened up about her fears, joys, and accomplishments as a UNL student during our interview and inspired our visual and sound approach. We wanted to underscore her fears of being “lost in the shuffle” on a Big Ten university campus and demonstrate the joy she experienced in finding her way.
Working quickly against the setting sun, filming took one hour at dusk and was shot all over campus.
The video was published on UNL’s social media channels (in collaboration with UNL’s College of Journalism and Mass Communications) and internal channels leading up to the beginning of the Fall 2023 semester to capitalize on students thinking about their return to campus.
It continues to be a featured video on the university’s homepage.
The video performed very well with audiences and received exceptionally good feedback from current students and campus partners. The video currently has about 32,500 views.
Examples of feedback from Instagram:
“A STAR absolutely love @hk.kinney and the light she is to campus 🌟❤️”
“@hk.kinney why do i have tears in my eyes??? i love this and you!!!”
“Oh HK... you are the absolute cutest!!! What an ambassador you are for UNL!!! Never lose your spark!!❤️”
“you make me love nebraska more and more @hk.kinney”